How to find more money?
This week, let’s discuss about “How to find more money?” Basically, there are 2 categories of people who will ask this question. The 1st category is those who have not had enough money and are seeking for ways to get to enough. The 2nd category is those who have enough money but are looking for ways to get more money.
Majority people in category 1 do not need the answer to this question. In fact, they have asked the wrong question. They should ask “why can’t I do the thing I suppose to do so that I can find more money?”. As human, we have the instinct to know how to earn enough to survive. Survival skill is available since born and we do not need extra knowledge.
Let me share with you a scenario here. One day, you go out without your wallet. Luckily, you find a RM5 note in your pocket. You are hungry and you want to eat. What will you do? Instinct will tell you to go to find something that is less than RM5. Will you go to take Mc D that will cost more than RM 5? Will you go to ask around how you can get more money as you need to take Mc D? This is similar to asking “how to find more money for survival?”. People know the answer. But they don’t admit.
If you really want Mc D, you know you can borrow money from people surrounding you and promise them you will pay them back when you get back your wallet. And you will find creative ideas how you can get their money. The real issue is whether you dare to borrow money from others? The choice is clear, either you lower down your expectation to survive or you take better action to meet your expectation.
So for people who are not able to survive, the key issue is not “lack of knowledge” but in fact “lack of action”. They know what they need to do to get more money, but, there are fear within. To solve this issue, they must figure out the fear that causes them being unable to take action. Remove the fear and they will soon find enough money to survive.
For category 2 people, it is to do with the knowledge and skill expansion. Not just fear. When we first graduate, we can get certain income. When our experience has improved, we will get salary increment. Hence, the easiest way of getting more money is to keep improving our knowledge and skill. A general doctor with no experience might be earning RM 2k+ a month, but a specialist doctor with extensive experience might be able to earn more than RM50-100k in a few hours complicated surgery. When we are willing to spend time improving our skills and knowledge, our income will increase too. This is how we can find more money!
Watch the Youtube video here on this topic.
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