Is bond worth investing in?
Investing in bond generally has lower risk than investing in equities (i.e. becoming the shareholder of the company. Because of the investment risk nature, investing in bond generally will yield lower return than investing in equities.
When investing in bond, if the bond is kept until maturity, the return is known / fixed. The bondholders are promised to get:
- Initial capital: Assuming the bond is purchased from the primary market when the bond is first issued, the full capital used to buy the bond (excluding the service fee) will be returned to the bondholders. For those bondholders who purchase the bond from the secondary market after the bond is issued, they might get back more money (if they purchase the bond cheaper than the initial bond price) or less money (if they purchase the bond more expensive than the initial bond price)
- Coupon: in layman term, this is called “interest payment” which the bond issuers (companies who issue the bond) promise to pay the bondholders for the sum borrowed. It can be in an annual mode, semi-annual mode or quarterly mode. The interest is fixed based on the initial bond price when the bond is first issued.
Some of the investors prefer to have certainty in their investment. Hence, bond products will be preferred. Bonds are available in Malaysia market with different currencies, e.g. China Yuan, Malaysian Ringgit, US Dollar, Singapore Dollar, etc.
The risk of investing in bond is very much related to the company’s financial position. If the company is strong in cash flow and has very less debt, the risk will be low. If the company is insolvent, the repayment of the bond might be affected. Hence, it is always good practice to diversify the bond investment into several companies to avoid concentration risk.
Whether or not it is worth investing in depends very much on the investors’ risk tolerance. If the investors want to have lower risk, bonds will be preferred. Investing in bond will give the investors more certainty in term of the return as it is fixed / known. If the investors want to get more return, equities shall be preferred as the return will be similar to what the businesses can generate in long term (business profits).
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