Change your words, change your destiny
When it comes to personal success in wealth generation, most people think that if we can copy what the successful people do, we can be successful. Is that right?
How can words change your destiny? Test this out, excitingly tell your family members that you are happy. Do you feel sad after telling them this statement? When you receive an invitation to go out, tell the person that you are not free. You will soon realise your brain will find something to justify that statement.
Words can affect your brain. How the brain thinks will affect your emotion which in turn affect your action.
When it comes to wealth generation, most people gain wealth from only 2 things – investment or business. Can we just copy these to gain wealth? The answer is absolutely yes! We don’t just copy the action, we need to copy the mindset too. Most of the time, it is not that we do not know the method, it is because we are not willing to take action.
There are fears within us. We are doubting whether we can do it. Do we have the skill? Do we have the knowledge? What if we fail? See, we have not even started doing it and we have so many negative thinking about it. How can we copy the action?
Let’s talk about investment. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about investment?
Do you treat it as opportunity or risk? Observe your thinking pattern. What did your brain tell you about the investment? The answer will affect your emotion and subsequently your action. If your brain is thinking about the risk, fear emotion will be created. It will then be followed by inaction. This is normal. What if your brain thinks that it is a great opportunity? You will feel excited instead and you cannot wait to start investing. This is what causes the success or failure.
We are not able to copy the action of most of the successful people do is because we are not able to copy the thinking. Understand why they do everything is more important than how they do everything. Understanding the how might not help if we are not copying the reason which affects the emotion and action.
The faster way to overcome this is to use powerful words. If you like to copy people’s success, try using the sentences or words they use. When you speak the same words, you will notice your brain will suit to match your words. If you think that how your brain works currently is not supportive to what you want to achieve, change your words instead.
When there is a great investment opportunity, do not say “I do not have the capital or I can’t take the risk.” Instead, say “I would like to take part and I’m now thinking how to arrange the capital in few days’ time”. And you will find that your brain is now thinking how to get it done instead of justifying why you are not taking action.
Doing nothing and staying within the comfort zone is easy. Taking action is hard. Changing your words will be the first easiest way for you to try out. Test it out and let me know whether it works.
Watch the Youtube video here on this topic.
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