Do you need more side hustles?
During the MCO period, I often heard people saying “We need to work harder now, find more side hustles so that we can get more income. Come! There is a new opportunity, let’s go and listen”.
Well, do you really need more side hustles? Personally, I’m a little bit against the idea of having more side hustles. Does it really work if we work harder, work longer? Will we actually get more income, have more relaxed life after we work hard?
That is the myth. No doubt, working harder and longer in fact give us more income. But, prolonged working hard and working longer will make our life harder and more unhealthy.
If one really needs more income to survive, is it more worthwhile to just stop for a short while, think and plan? If the issue is survival after living for so long, the issue might not be the pandemic. It is something beyond that. It might be something that has been done wrong for a long time. For example, it could be the way the money is being managed, the spending habit, the investment style, the saving pattern, the portfolio, etc.
If one is spending hugely every month with no saving left, when it comes to current pandemic which affects his job salary, the corrective action is not to look for more side hustles to increase income. He should look for ways to reduce his spending and look for suitable job with salary that can cover his expenses with some saving left. Having more income does not mean the spending will reduce. It might even cause the problem to worsen. Working harder and harder just to sustain the more expensive lifestyle? His finances will not be going any better with increased problems on health and relationship.
This current pandemic has forced us to think differently. I have discovered a better way to work, safer way to invest and also better way to live. If we do not understand the root cause of the problem, we can never able to solve the problem by adding more work to us.
Hence, stop, think and plan rather than jumping into another side hustles. When your friend invites you for another side hustle, think first! What is causing the problem?
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