How to invest in disruptive business such as Tesla?
The trend now has changed since the COVID-19 pandemic. People are moving into digital world more than ever before. Energy saving, anti-aging, robotic, artificial intelligence become the trend of the future. Many businesses are now venturing into these are to tap on to the new trend.
If you notice, Tesla share was about US 50 in 2015, now it is worth near to USD 700 per share. Growth of more than 1400% in merely 5 years. The extreme growth is due to the innovative and disruptive business model.
Big technology companies like Facebook, Amazon, Google, Netflix are no longer at the forefront of the technological improvements. Even though these companies might be delivering good return for investors, the return most likely will be slower than the businesses using innovative and disruptive model.
Looking to invest easily into the companies with the futuristic thematic investment? Affin Hwang has just launched a new fund for this opportunity. The focus of the fund is on high conviction ideas in the areas of robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), DNA sequencing, energy storage and block chain. This will be a good fund for diversification too. The fund is offered in 4 currency classes, namely USD class, MYR-Hedge class, SGD-Hedged class and AUD-Hedged Class. Contact me for more details +6016 2813695.
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