Which one to choose for investment? Equity or bond?
When one starts to be aware of the bond products, the next popular question which an investor ask is normally “Which one to choose for investment? Equity or bond?” If you are new to bond products, read this blog for further information.
I would say this is a wrong question. Both equity and bond are important financial instruments for one’s investment portfolio, i.e. one should invest in both equity and bond. The more important question to ask will be “How much you should invest in equity vs bond?”.
The proportion for the equity vs bond depends on the following factors:-
- Age: Bond in general has lower risk compared to equity. When one grows older, one requires more stability of his investment, hence the proportion of bond should be higher compared with equity.
- Goals: Bond is an income generating investment tool while equity mainly focus on growth than income generation. So, if the investment goal is on income generation, the proportion of bond should be high. On the other hand, if the financial goal is on growth, the investment should have more equity portion.
- Risk tolerance: Equity is volatile in nature. If one’s risk tolerance is high, one can put more equity into his investment portfolio for growth.
- Amount of capital you have to work with: This is critical as well if the capital is small, one will naturally have higher risk tolerance. For example, if the investment amount is RM 1000, even if the stock drops 50%, the loss will only be RM 500. If you are starting with big capital like RM 1 million, definitely, the risk tolerance will be lower and hence requiring higher proportion of the bond to stabilize the investment portfolio.
The usual recommended proportion of equity / bond based on the risk tolerance is as follow:-
- Very conservative: 90% bond and 10% equity
- Conservative: 70% bond and 30% equity
- Balance: 50% bond and 50% equity
- Aggressive: 30% bond and 70% equity
- Very aggressive: 10% bond and 90% equity
In conclusion, having both equity and bond in the investment portfolio can balance out the volatility in a portfolio. When combining the two instruments in a structured and calculated manner, the risk can be reduced.
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